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- Article (12)
- English (12)
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- Euterentzündung (10)
- Milchvieh (3)
- Krankheitsübertragung (2)
- Milchkuh (2)
- Staphylococcus (2)
- Streptococcus (2)
- dairy cow (2)
- mastitis prevention (2)
- severe mastitis (2)
- staphylococci (2)
To design cost-effective prevention strategies against mastitis in dairy cow farms, knowledge about infection pathways of causative pathogens is necessary. Therefore, we investigated the reservoirs of bacterial strains causing intramammary infections in one dairy cow herd. Quarter foremilk samples (n = 8056) and milking- and housing-related samples (n = 251; from drinking troughs, bedding material, walking areas, cow brushes, fly traps, milking liners, and milker gloves), were collected and examined using culture-based methods. Species were identified with MALDI-TOF MS, and selected Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. typed with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR. Staphylococci were isolated from all and streptococci from most investigated locations. However, only for Staphylococcus aureus, matching strain types (n = 2) were isolated from milk and milking-related samples (milking liners and milker gloves). Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus haemolyticus showed a large genetic diversity without any matches of strain types from milk and other samples. Streptococcus uberis was the only Streptococcus spp. isolated from milk and milking- or housing-related samples. However, no matching strains were found. This study underlines the importance of measures preventing the spread of Staphylococcus aureus between quarters during milking.
To effectively prevent and control bovine mastitis, farmers and their advisors need to take infection pathways and durations into account. Still, studies exploring both aspects through molecular epidemiology with sampling of entire dairy cow herds over longer periods are scarce. Therefore, quarter foremilk samples were collected at 14-d intervals from all lactating dairy cows (n = 263) over 18 wk in one commercial dairy herd. Quarters were considered infected with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, or Streptococcus dysgalactiae when ≥100 cfu/mL of the respective pathogen was detected, or with Staphylococcus epidermidis or Staphylococcus haemolyticus when ≥500 cfu/mL of the respective pathogen was detected. All isolates of the mentioned species underwent randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR to explore strain diversity and to distinguish ongoing from new infections. Survival analysis was used to estimate infection durations. Five different strains of Staph. aureus were isolated, and the most prevalent strain caused more than 80% of all Staph. aureus infections (n = 46). In contrast, 46 Staph. epidermidis and 69 Staph. haemolyticus strains were isolated, and none of these caused infections in more than 2 different quarters. The 3 most dominant strains of Strep. dysgalactiae (7 strains) and Strep. uberis (18 strains) caused 81% of 33 and 49% of 37 infections in total, respectively. The estimated median infection duration for Staph. aureus was 80 d, and that for Staph. epidermidis and Staph. haemolyticus was 28 and 22 d, respectively. The probability of remaining infected with Strep. dysgalactiae or Strep. uberis for more than 84 and 70 d was 58.7 and 53.5%, respectively. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staph. haemolyticus were not transmitted contagiously and the average infection durations were short, which brings into question whether antimicrobial treatment of intramammary infections with these organisms is justified. In contrast, infections with the other 3 pathogens lasted longer and largely originated from contagious transmission.
During machine milking, pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted from cow to cow through liners. Therefore, in Germany, a spray method for the intermediate disinfection of the milking cluster is often used for prevention. This method of cluster disinfection is easy to perform, requires little time and no extra materials, and the disinfection solution is safe from outside contamination in the spray bottle. Since no data on a systematic efficacy trial are available, the aim of this study was to determine the microbial reduction effect of intermediate disinfection. Therefore, laboratory and field trials were conducted. In both trials, two sprays of 0.85 mL per burst of different disinfectant solutions were sprayed into the contaminated liners. For sampling, a quantitative swabbing method using a modified wet–dry swab (WDS) technique based on DIN 10113-1: 1997-07 was applied. Thus, the effectiveness of disinfectants based on Peracetic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide and Plasma-Activated Buffered Solution (PABS) was compared. In the laboratory trial, the inner surfaces of liners were contaminated with pure cultures of Escherichia (E.) coli, Staphylococcus (S.) aureus, Streptococcus (Sc.) uberis and Sc. agalactiae. The disinfection of the contaminated liners with the disinfectants resulted in a significant reduction in bacteria with values averaging 1 log for E. coli, 0.7 log for S. aureus, 0.7 log for Sc. uberis and 0.8 log for Sc. agalactiae. The highest reduction was obtained for contamination with E. coli (1.3 log) and Sc. uberis (0.8 log) when PABS was applied and for contamination with S. aureus (1.1 log) and Sc. agalactiae (1 log) when Peracetic Acid Solution (PAS) was used. Treatment with sterile water only led to an average reduction of 0.4 log. In the field trial, after the milking of 575 cows, the liners were disinfected and the total microorganism count from the liner surface was performed. The reduction was measured against an untreated liner within the cluster. Although a reduction in microorganisms was achieved in the field trial, it was not significant. When using PAS, a log reduction of 0.3 was achieved; when using PABS, a log reduction of 0.2 was obtained. The difference between the two disinfection methods was also not significant. Treatment with sterile water only led to a reduction of 0.1 log. The results show that spray disinfection under these circumstances does result in a reduction in the bacteria on the milking liner surface, but for effective disinfection a higher reduction would be preferred.
Although Corynebacterium spp. can be regularly associated with subclinical and clinical mastitis cases in dairy cows, knowledge on their reservoirs in dairy farms is sparse. Therefore, samples were collected at 10 visits with 14 day intervals from bedding material (n = 50), drinking troughs (n = 20), different walking areas (n = 60), cow brushes (n = 8), fly traps (n = 4), the passage to pasture (n = 9) as well as milking liners (n = 80) and milker gloves (n = 20) in one dairy cow farm. Additionally, quarter foremilk samples from all lactating cows (approximately 200) were collected at each visit. All samples underwent microbiological examination and cultured isolates were identified using MALDI-TOF MS. Most Corynebacterium spp. that were cultivated from milk were also isolated from the housing environment and milking-related niches (C. amycolatum, C. confusum, C. stationis, C. variabile, C. xerosis) or from milking-related niches only (C. frankenforstense, C. pilosum, C. suicordis). C. bovis was not cultivated from any environmental niche, while being the dominant species in milk samples. This study demonstrates that many Corynebacterium spp. present in milk samples can also be isolated from the cows’ environment. For C. bovis, the most relevant Corynebacterium species with regard to intramammary infections, it indicates that environmental reservoirs are of little relevance.
To optimise udder health at the herd level, identifying incurable mastitis cases as well as providing an adequate therapy and culling strategy are necessary. Cows with clinical mastitis should be administered antibiotic medication if it is most likely to improve mammary cure. The somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of the monthly implemented Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) test represents the most important tool to decide whether a cow has a promising mammary cure rate. Differential cell count (DCC) facilitates the specification of the immunological ability of defence, for example by characterising leukocyte subpopulations or cell viability. The aim of this study was to assess the DCC and cell viability in DHI milk samples regarding the cytological (CC) and bacteriological cure (BC) of the udder within a longitudinal study, thereby gaining a predictive evaluation of whether a clinical mastitis benefits from an antibiotic treatment or not. The cows enrolled in this study had an SCC above 200,000 cells/mL in the previous DHI test. Study 1 assessed the CC by reference to the SCC of two consecutive DHI tests and included 1010 milk samples: 28.4% of the mammary glands were classified as cytologically cured and 71.6% as uncured. The final mixed logistic regression model identified the total number of non-vital cells as a significant factor associated with CC. An increasing amount of non-vital cells was related to a lower individual ability for CC. Cows which were in the first or second lactation possessed a higher probability of CC than cows having a lactation number above two. If animals developed a clinical mastitis after flow cytometric investigation, the BC was examined in study 2 by analysing quarter foremilk samples microbiologically. Taking 48 milk samples, 81.3% of the mammary glands were classified as bacteriologically cured and 18.7% as uncured. The percentage of total non-vital cells tended to be lower for cows which were cured, but no significance could be observed. This study revealed that the investigation of the proportion of non-vital cells in DHI milk samples can enhance the prognosis of whether an antibiotic treatment of clinical mastitis might be promising or not. Prospectively, this tool may be integrated in the DHI tests to facilitate the decision between therapy or culling.
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the occurrence of bacteremia in severe mastitis cases of dairy cows. Milk and corresponding blood samples of 77 cases of severe mastitis were bacteriologically examined. All samples (milk and blood) were incubated aerobically and anaerobically to also investigate the role of obligate anaerobic microorganisms in addition to aerobic microorganisms in severe mastitis. Bacteremia occurred if identical bacterial strains were isolated from milk and blood samples of the same case. In addition, pathogen shedding was examined, and the data of animals and weather were collected to determine associated factors for the occurrence of bacteremia in severe mastitis. If Gram-negative bacteria were detected in milk samples, a Limulus test (detection of endotoxins) was also performed for corresponding blood samples without the growth of Gram-negative bacteria. In 74 cases (96.1%), microbial growth was detected in aerobically incubated milk samples. The most-frequently isolated bacteria in milk samples were Escherichia (E.) coli (48.9%), Streptococcus (S.) spp. (18.1%), and Klebsiella (K.) spp. (16%). Obligatory anaerobic microorganisms were not isolated. In 72 cases (93.5%) of the aerobically examined blood samples, microbial growth was detected. The most-frequently isolated pathogens in blood samples were non-aureus Staphylococci (NaS) (40.6%) and Bacillus spp. (12.3%). The Limulus test was positive for 60.5% of cases, which means a detection of endotoxins in most blood samples without the growth of Gram-negative bacteria. Bacteremia was confirmed in 12 cases (15.5%) for K. pneumoniae (5/12), E. coli (4/12), S. dysgalactiae (2/12), and S. uberis (1/12). The mortality rate (deceased or culled) was 66.6% for cases with bacteremia and 34.1% for cases without bacteremia. High pathogen shedding and high humidity were associated with the occurrence of bacteremia in severe mastitis.
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate associated factors of the severity of clinical mastitis (CM). Milk samples of 249 cases of CM were microbiologically examined, of which 27.2% were mild, 38.5% moderate, and 34.3% severe mastitis. The samples were incubated aerobically and anaerobically to investigate the role of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. In addition, the pathogen shedding was quantitatively examined, and animal individual data, outside temperature and relative humidity, were collected to determine associated factors for the severity of CM. The pathogen isolated the most was Escherichia coli (35.2%), followed by Streptococcus spp. (16.4%). Non-aureus staphylococci (NaS) (15.4%) and other pathogens (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, coryneforms) (15.4%) were the pathogens that were isolated the most for mild mastitis. Moderate mastitis was mostly caused by E. coli (38%). E. coli was also the most common pathogen in severe mastitis (50.6%), followed by Streptococcus spp. (16.4%), and Klebsiella spp. (10.3%). Obligate anaerobes (Clostridium spp.) were isolated in one case (0.4%) of moderate mastitis. The mortality rate (deceased or culled due to the mastitis in the following two weeks) was 34.5% for severe mastitis, 21.7% for moderate mastitis, and 4.4% for mild mastitis. The overall mortality rate of CM was 21.1%. The pathogen shedding (back logarithmized) was highest for severe mastitis (55,000 cfu/mL) and E. coli (91,200 cfu/mL). High pathogen shedding, low previous somatic cell count (SCC) before mastitis, high outside temperature, and high humidity were associated with severe courses of mastitis.
In a foster cow system, one or more calves are reared by a foster cow. With regard to the growing rejection towards the early separation of cow and calf after calving, such alternative rearing methods with prolonged cow–calf contact are coming more into focus. Nevertheless, there is a lack of recent studies investigating the effects of suckling multiple calves on the udder health of a foster cow. The present study aimed to initially describe the status and development of the udder condition and the microbial colonisation during the foster period. Thereby, the objectives were to determine whether suckling multiple calves was associated with an increase in intramammary infections (IMI) and a deterioration of udder constitution. A total of 99 Holstein Friesian foster cows from a large organic dairy farm in eastern Germany were included in this pilot study. Each foster cow was suckled by 3–4 calves and not additionally milked. Quarter milk samples were taken for cytomicrobiological examination at the beginning and end of the approximately 3.5 months suckling period. At the same time, the udders of 91 of these foster cows were clinically examined by visual assessment and manual palpation. In both the first and second examination (E1 and E2, respectively), Corynebacterium ssp. and non-aureus staphylococci (NaS) constituted the most frequently detected pathogen species in the 385 examined udder quarters. Classifying the quarters into mastitis categories was significantly different between the two examinations (p = 0.001). The number of quarters considered as healthy increased from E1 to E2 by 8.5%. At the same time, the number of quarters with mastitis decreased by 2.6%, the number of quarters with non-specific mastitis by 11.4% and the number of quarters with a latent infection increased by 5.4%. In total, 69.4% of the 121 infected udder quarters in E1 were bacteriologically cured in E2. A cytological cure was achieved in 28.1% of the 385 quarters. Both the bacteriological and cytological cure rate were spontaneous. A new infection occurred in 23.1% of the 385 examined udder quarters and was mainly attributable to infections with Corynebacterium spp. and NaS. During the suckling period, mainly new infections occurred and amounted to 73% in relation to presumed persistent infections (18.9%). The new infections were mainly attributable to infections with Corynebacterium spp. and NaS. Pasteurella spp. were also found in high percentages. A total of 10.1% of the quarters showed an increase in somatic cell count (SCC) above the threshold of 100,000 cells/mL from E1 to E2, indicating a new subclinical mastitis. Regarding udder condition, significant changes during the foster period were an increase in udder skin and teat lesions, a decrease in udder oedema, an increased amount of udder quarters with a consistency considered as normal and an increase in the number of udders showing no sign of udder cleft dermatitis. Moreover, teat length, circumference, and diameter increased significantly (p < 0.05). In conclusion, there is a possibility that suckling multiple calves improves udder health in terms of mastitis but leads to an increased pathogen transmission at the same time, resulting in an increase in latent infections. Additionally, pathogens as Pasteurella spp., which are usually located in the upper respiratory system, could be detected in the mammary gland. The changes concerning the udder condition were manifold. However, it has not yet been conclusively clarified whether all these changes are exclusively due to calf suckling. Further investigations with a non-suckled control group are required.
Trueperella (T.) pyogenes is a mastitis-causing pathogen formerly known to cause severe clinical mastitis (CM), especially during the summer, leading to milk losses and low recovery rates. Unfortunately, its transmission behavior within herds is unclear. The diversity and occurrence of T. pyogenes were monitored to gain an initial insight into the infection transmission behavior of T. pyogenes in dairy herds and to lay a foundation for following targeted investigations. CM milk samples were collected from German herds, and one Swedish farm was sampled for isolates from subclinical mastitis. All in all, 151 T. pyogenes isolates from 16 herds were isolated, identified by MALDI TOF analysis and typed with RAPD PCR. Of these, 17 isolates originated from subclinical mastitis cases. We found that T. pyogenes mastitis occurred year-round, and clinical mastitis cases were caused by multiple strains (31 affected animals/28 strains). Instances of multiple cows being infected with the same T. pyogenes strain were rare and typically only involved a small number of animals at a time. However, if several quarters of a cow were affected, it was likely the same strain. Unlike clinical infections, subclinical T. pyogenes infections, in one investigated farm, harbored a dominant strain. Additionally, we found that T. pyogenes infections tended to persist and stay within a herd for a minimum of 7 months in the same or different cows.
To reduce ineffective antimicrobial usage in the treatment of non-severe clinical mastitis (CM) in cows with long-lasting udder diseases, non-antibiotic therapy with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) was conducted and evaluated in a non-blinded, positively controlled, non-inferiority trial. Therefore, three-time systemic ketoprofen treatment at intervals of 24 h was evaluated in comparison with the reference treatment of solely antibiotic therapy in a field study on nine free-stall dairy farms located in Northern Germany. Cows with previous CM cases in current lactation and/or with long-lasting high somatic cell counts in preceding dairy herd improvement test days were randomly allocated to one of the two treatment groups in cases of mild to moderate CM. Quarter foremilk samples of the affected quarters were taken for cyto-bacteriological investigation before treatment as well as ~14 and 21 d after termination of therapy. Both treatment groups were compared regarding the bacteriological cure (BC) as the primary outcome. Clinical cure (CC) and no CM relapse within 60 d after the end of treatment (no R60) were chosen as secondary outcomes. The study resulted in the following outcomes: Streptococcus uberis was most frequently identified in microbiological culture from pre-treatment samples, followed by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and other coliforms. No significant differences between the NSAID treatment and the reference treatment were detected regarding CC and CM recurrence (no R60). Although the sole ketoprofen therapy resulted in a numerically lower likelihood of BC, there were no significant differences to the reference treatment. Considering the selection criteria in this study, the results indicate that in mild to moderate CM cases exclusive treatment with ketoprofen may constitute an alternative to antimicrobial intramammary therapy, providing an opportunity for reduction of antibiotic usage. However, non-inferiority evaluations were inconclusive. Further investigations with a larger sample size are required to confirm the results and to make a distinct statement on non-inferiority.