Year of publication
- 2022 (1)
Document Type
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1)
- 3D data (1)
- Datenaufbereitung (1)
- Forschungsdaten (1)
- Kompakkt (1)
- Linked Data (1)
- Linked Open Data (1)
- OpenRefine (1)
- Wikibase (1)
A new FOSS (free and open source software) toolchain and associated workflow is being developed in the context of NFDI4Culture, a German consortium of research- and cultural heritage institutions working towards a shared infrastructure for research data that meets the needs of 21st century data creators, maintainers and end users across the broad spectrum of the digital libraries and archives field, and the digital humanities. This short paper and demo present how the integrated toolchain connects: 1) OpenRefine - for data reconciliation and batch upload; 2) Wikibase - for linked open data (LOD) storage; and 3) Kompakkt - for rendering and annotating 3D models. The presentation is aimed at librarians, digital curators and data managers interested in learning how to manage research datasets containing 3D media, and how to make them available within an open data environment with 3D-rendering and collaborative annotation features.