Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (6)
- Article (5)
- Book (1)
- English (11)
- Multiple languages (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (12)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (12)
- Gießerei (4)
- foundry (3)
- optimal scheduling (3)
- Ablaufplanung (2)
- Energieeinsparung (2)
- Energiemanagement (2)
- Ganzzahlige lineare Optimierung (2)
- Modellprädiktive Regelung (2)
- Nichtlineare modellprädiktive Regelung (2)
- Optimale Kontrolle (2)
Das Institut für Sensorik und Automation (ISA) stellt in acht Beiträgen aktuelle Ergebnisse aus seinen vielfältigen Forschungsprojekten vor. Es werden Themen angesprochen wie Lichttechnik in der Nutzgeflügelhaltung, Datenaustausch in der Produktion, hochfrequente Front-Ends für Umweltsensoren in der Gebäudeautomatisierung, Mössbauer-Spektroskopie, Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Transimpedanzverstärker, Optimierung monostatischer Transceiver, Datenverarbeitungsszenarien für Smart-Home-Systeme und Designüberlegungen für kryogene Analog-Digital-Wandler.
This paper presents a novel approach for modelling the energy consumption of the coupled parallel moulding sand mixers of a foundry as an optimal control problem. The minimization of energy consumption is optimized by scheduling the mixing processes in a linear integer programming scheme. The sand flow through the foundry’s sand preparation is characterized by a physical model. This model considers the sand demand of the moulding machine as disturbance, the stored sand masses in the mixer hoppers and machine hoppers, respectively. The novel approach of handling dwell-times for dosing, mixing and transport processes using dead-time systems and constraint pushing allows the application of a linear model. The formulation of the optimal control problem aims at real-time application as model predictive control at the production plant. Initial application results indicate an improvement in energy consumption of approximately 8%.
This paper proposes an extended Petri net formalism as a suitable language for composing optimal scheduling problems of industrial production processes with real and binary decision variables. The proposed approach is modular and scalable, as the overall process dynamics and constraints can be collected by parsing of all atomic elements of the net graph. To conclude, we demonstrate the use of this framework for modeling the moulding sand preparation process of a real foundry plant.
This paper presents a cascaded methodology for enhancing the path accuracy of industrial robots by using advanced control schemes. It includes kinematic calibration as well as dynamic modeling and identification. This is followed by a centralized model-based compensation of robot dynamics. The implemented feed-forward torque control shows the expected improvements of control accuracy. However, external measurements show the influence of joint elasticities as systematic path errors. To further increase the accuracy an iterative learning controller (ILC) based on external camera measurements is designed. The implementation yields to significant improvements of path accuracy. By means of a kind of automated ”Teach-In”, an overall effective concept for the automated calibration and optimization of the accuracy of industrial robots in high-dynamic path-applications is realized.
We present a methodology based on mixed-integer nonlinear model predictive control for a real-time building energy management system in application to a single-family house with a combined heat and power (CHP) unit. The developed strategy successfully deals with the switching behavior of the system components as well as minimum admissible operating time constraints by use of a special switch-cost-aware rounding procedure. The quality of the presented solution is evaluated in comparison to the globally optimal dynamic programming method and conventional rule-based control strategy. Based on a real-world scenario, we show that our approach is more than real-time capable while maintaining high correspondence with the globally optimal solution. We achieve an average optimality gap of 2.5% compared to 20% for a conventional control approach, and are faster and more scalable than a dynamic programming approach.
We present a novel long short-term memory (LSTM) approach for time-series prediction of the sand demand which arises from preparing the sand moulds for the iron casting process of a foundry. With our approach, we contribute to qualify LSTM and its combination with feedback-corrected optimal scheduling for industrial processes.
The sand is produced in an energy intensive mixing process which is controlled by optimal scheduling. The optimal scheduling is solved for a fixed prediction horizon. One major influencing factor is the sand demand, which is highly disturbed, for example due to production interruptions. The causes of production interruptions are in general physically unknown. We assume that information about the future behavior of the sand demand is included in current and past process data. Therefore, we choose LSTM networks for predicting the time-series of the sand demand.
The sand demand prediction is performed by our multi model approach. This approach outperforms the currently used naive estimation, even when predicting far into the future. Our LSTM based prediction approach can forecast the sand demand with a conformity up to 38 % and a mean value accuracy of approximately 99%. Simulating the optimal scheduling with sand demand prediction leads to an improvement in energy savings of approximately 1.1% compared to the naive estimation. The application of our novel approach at the real production plant of a foundry proves the simulation results and verifies the capability of our approach.
In this paper a new rotor position observer for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) based on an Extended-Kalman-Filter (EKF) is presented. With this method, just one single EKF is sufficent to evaluate the position information from electromotive force (EMF) and anisotropy. Thus, the PMSM can be controlled for the entire speed range without a position sensor and without the need to switch or synchronize between different observers. The approach covers online estimation of permanent magnetic field and mechanical load. The resulting EKF-based rotor position estimator is embedded in the existing cascaded control concept of the PMSM without need of additional angle trackers or signal filters. The experimental validation for the position sensorless control shows optimized dynamic behaviour.
Flatness-based feedforward control is an approach for combining fast motion with low oscillations for nonlinear or flexible drive systems. Its desired trajectories must be continuously differentiable to the degree of the system order. Designing such trajectories, that also reach the dynamic system limits, poses a challenge. Common solutions, like Gevrey functions, usually require lengthy offline calculations. To achieve a quicker and simpler industrial-suited solution, this paper presents a new online trajectory generation scheme. The algorithm utilizes higher order s-curve trajectories created by a cyclic filtering process using moving average filters. An experimental validation proves the capability as well as industrial applicability of the presented approach for flexible structures like stacker cranes.
Mixed-integer NMPC for real-time supervisory energy management control in residential buildings
In recent years, building energy supply and distribution systems have become more complex, with an increasing number of energy generators, stores, flows, and possible combinations of operating modes. This poses challenges for supervisory control, especially when balancing the conflicting goals of maximizing comfort while minimizing costs and emissions to contribute to global climate protection objectives. Mixed-integer nonlinear model predictive control is a promising approach for intelligent real-time control that is able to properly address the specific characteristics and restrictions of building energy systems. We present a strategy that utilizes a decomposition approach, combining partial outer convexification with the Switch-Cost Aware Rounding procedure to handle switching behavior and operating time constraints of building components in real-time. The efficacy is demonstrated through practical applications in a single-family home with a combined heat and power unit and in a multi-family apartment complex with 18 residential units. Simulation studies show high correspondence to globally optimal solutions with significant cost savings potential of around 19%.
The increasing variety of combinations of different building technology components offers a high potential for energy and cost savings in today's buildings. However, in most cases, this potential is not yet fully exploited due to the lack of intelligent supervisory control systems that are required to manage the complexity of the resulting overall systems. In this article, we present the implementation of a mixed-integer nonlinear model predictive control approach as a smart realtime building energy management system. The presented methodology is based on a forward-looking optimization of the overall energy costs. It takes into account energy demand forecasts and varying electricity market prices. We achieve real-time capability of the controller by applying a decomposition approach, which approximates the optimal solution of the underlying mixed-integer optimal control problem by convexification and rounding of the relaxed solution. The quality of the suboptimal solution is evaluated by comparison with the globally optimal solution obtained by the dynamic programming method. Based on a real-world scenario, we demonstrate that utilization of the real-time capable mixedinteger nonlinear model predictive control approach in a building control system leads to savings of 16% in the total operating costs and 13% in primary energy compared to the state-of-the-art control strategy without any loss of comfort for the residents.