Document Type
- Article (2)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- Squalan (2)
- Gas-Flüssigkeit-System (1)
- Hydroxyl (1)
- Kohlenwasserstoffe (1)
- Laserphotolyse (1)
- Oberflächentemperatur (1)
- Reaktionsdynamik (1)
- Sauerstoffatom (1)
The effects of surface temperature on the gas-liquid interfacial reaction dynamics of O(³P)+squalane
OH/OD product state distributions arising from the reaction of gas-phase O(³P) atoms at the surface of the liquid hydrocarbon squalane C₃₀H₆₂/C₃₀D₆₂ have been measured. The O(³P) atoms were generated by 355 nm laser photolysis of NO₂ at a low pressure above the continually refreshed liquid. It has been shown unambiguously that the hydroxyl radicals detected by laser-induced fluorescence originate from the squalane surface. The gas-phase OH/OD rotational populations are found to be partially sensitive to the liquid temperature, but do not adapt to it completely. In addition, rotational temperatures for OH/OD(v′=1) are consistently colder (by 34±5 K) than those for OH/OD(v′=0). This is reminiscent of, but less pronounced than, a similar effect in the well-studied homogeneous gas-phase reaction of O(³P) with smaller hydrocarbons. We conclude that the rotational distributions are composed of two different components. One originates from a direct abstraction mechanism with product characteristics similar to those in the gas phase. The other is a trapping-desorption process yielding a thermal, Boltzmann-like distribution close to the surface temperature. This conclusion is consistent with that reached previously from independent measurements of OH product velocity distributions in complementary molecular-beam scattering experiments. It is further supported by the temporal profiles of OH/OD laser-induced fluorescence signals as a function of distance from the surface observed in the current experiments. The vibrational branching ratios for (v′=1)/(v′=0) for OH and OD have been found to be (0.07±0.02) and (0.30±0.10), respectively. The detection of vibrationally excited hydroxyl radicals suggests that secondary and/or tertiary hydrogen atoms may be accessible to the attacking oxygen atoms.
We describe an experimental approach to the determination of the nascent internal state distribution of gas-phase products of a gas–liquid interfacial reaction. The system chosen for study is O(³P) atoms with the surface of liquid deuterated squalane, a partially branched long-chain saturated hydrocarbon, C₃₀D₆₂. The nascent OD products are detected by laser-induced fluorescence. Both OD (v′=0) and (v′=1) were observed in significant yield. The rotational distributions in both vibrational levels are essentially the same, and are characteristic of a Boltzmann distribution at a temperature close to that of the liquid surface. This contrasts with the distributions in the corresponding homogeneous gas-phase reactions. We propose a preliminary interpretation in terms of a dominant trapping-desorption mechanism, in which the OD molecules are retained at the surface sufficiently long to cause rotational equilibration but not complete vibrational relaxation. The significant yield of vibrationally excited OD also suggests that the surface is not composed entirely of –CD₃ endgroups, but that secondary and/or tertiary units along the backbone are exposed.