Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (22)
- Article (9)
- Report (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (32)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (32)
- Mikroservice (8)
- Serviceorientierte Architektur (8)
- SOA (7)
- Insurance Industry (5)
- Versicherungswirtschaft (5)
- Cloud Computing (3)
- Microservices (3)
- OSGi (3)
- microservices (3)
- Big Data (2)
The automated transfer of flight logbook information from aircrafts into aircraft maintenance systems leads to reduced ground and maintenance time and is thus desirable from an economical point of view. Until recently, flight logbooks have not been managed electronically in aircrafts or at least the data transfer from aircraft to ground maintenance system has been executed manually. Latest aircraft types such as the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 787 do support an electronic logbook and thus make an automated transfer possible. A generic flight logbook transfer system must deal with different data formats on the input side – due to different aircraft makes and models – as well as different, distributed aircraft maintenance systems for different airlines as aircraft operators. This article contributes the concept and top level distributed system architecture of such a generic system for automated flight log data transfer. It has been developed within a joint industry and applied research project. The architecture has already been successfully evaluated in a prototypical implementation.
Wie lässt sich die Logistik in Städten zukunftssicher und klimaschonend gestalten? Dazu bedarf es innovativer Konzepte für leise, emissionsfreie sowie sichere und zuverlässige Transportlösungen. Im Forschungsprojekt USEfUL haben sich Akteure aus Kommunen, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft der Regionen Hannover und Braunschweig zusammengeschlossen. Das Projektteam entwickelt eine App, die verschiedene Logistikkonzepte und ihre Auswirkungen vergleicht. Sie kann Politik, Kommunen und Unternehmen bei der Entscheidung unterstützen.
In this paper, five ontologies are described, which include the event concepts. The paper provides an overview and comparison of existing event models. The main criteria for comparison are that there should be possibilities to model events with stretch in the time and location and participation of objects; however, there are other factors that should be taken into account as well. The paper also shows an example of using ontologies in complex event processing.
OSGi in Cloud Environments
This article discusses event monitoring options for heterogeneous event sources as they are given in nowadays heterogeneous distributed information systems. It follows the central assumption, that a fully generic event monitoring solution cannot provide complete support for event monitoring; instead, event source specific semantics such as certain event types or support for certain event monitoring techniques have to be taken into account. Following from this, the core result of the work presented here is the extension of a configurable event monitoring (Web) service for a variety of event sources. A service approach allows us to trade genericity for the exploitation of source specific characteristics. It thus delivers results for the areas of SOA, Web services, CEP and EDA.
Heterogeneity has to be taken into account when integrating a set of existing information sources into a distributed information system that are nowadays often based on Service- Oriented Architectures (SOA). This is also particularly applicable to distributed services such as event monitoring, which are useful in the context of Event Driven Architectures (EDA) and Complex Event Processing (CEP). Web services deal with this heterogeneity at a technical level, also providing little support for event processing. Our central thesis is that such a fully generic solution cannot provide complete support for event monitoring; instead, source specific semantics such as certain event types or support for certain event monitoring techniques have to be taken into account. Our core result is the design of a configurable event monitoring (Web) service that allows us to trade genericity for the exploitation of source specific characteristics. It thus delivers results for the areas of SOA, Web services, CEP and EDA.
OSGi is a popular Java-based platform, which has its roots in the area of embedded systems. However, nowadays it is used more and more in enterprise systems. To fit this new application area, OSGi has recently been extended with the Remote Services specification. This specification enables distribution, which OSGi was previously lacking. However, the specification provides means for synchronous communication only and leaves out asynchronous communication. As an attempt to fill a gap in this field, we propose, implement and evaluate an approach for the integration of asynchronous messaging into OSGi.
In this paper various techniques in relation to large-scale systems are presented. At first, explanation of large-scale systems and differences from traditional systems are given. Next, possible specifications and requirements on hardware and software are listed. Finally, examples of large-scale systems are presented.
This article looks at a proposed list of generalized requirements for a unified modelling of event processing networks (EPNs) and its application to Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics. It enhances our previous work in this area, in which we recently analyzed Apache Storm and earlier also the EPiA model, the BEMN model, and the RuleCore model. Our proposed EPN requirements look at both: The logical model of EPNs and the concrete technical implementation of them. Therefore, our article provides requirements for EPN models based on attributes derived from event processing in general as well as existing models. Moreover, as its core contribution, our article applies those requirements by an in depth analysis of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics as a concrete implementation foundation of an EPN model.