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IT-Security Risk Based Approach for Secure Operation of Distributed Data Platforms in Supply Chains
This research paper examines the topic of secure data exchange in a supply chain within the manufacturing sector. The objective is the development of a data platform that optimizes operational efficiency and promotes cross-company collaboration. To achieve this, helpful tools are utilized and suitable standards are followed to create a secure system. Security measures are determined by conducting a risk analysis to identify, evaluate, and compensate for potential threats. Furthermore, the utilization of non-transparent federated learning models in combination with a method of security design of components contributes to the information sovereignty of data owners. In conclusion, secure data sharing practices play a pivotal role in supporting collaboration and operational effectiveness in the manufacturing industry.
Der Sammelband gibt Gründungsberater*innen an (hochschulischen) Beratungseinrichtungen praxisnahe Tipps und Tricks zur Gestaltung ihrer Fempreneurship-Aktivitäten an die Hand.
Anhand von 11 Erfolgsfaktoren in 7 Rubriken bekommen die Leser*innen im Sinne eines "Motivationsbüchleins" Einblicke in die vielfältige Fempreneurship-Praxis von Gründungseinrichtungen in ganz Deutschland.
Most real‐time rendering models for atmospheric effects have been designed and optimized for Earth's atmosphere. Some authors have proposed approaches for rendering other atmospheres, but these methods still use approximations that are only valid on Earth. For instance, the iconic blue glow of Martian sunsets can not be represented properly as the complex interference effects of light scattered at dust particles can not be captured by these approximations. In this paper, we present an approach for generalizing an existing model to make it capable of rendering extraterrestrial atmospheres. This is done by replacing the approximations with a physical model based on Mie Theory. We use the particle‐size distribution, the particle‐density distribution as well as the wavelength‐dependent refractive index of atmospheric particles as input. To demonstrate the feasibility of this idea, we extend the model by Bruneton et al. [BN08] and implement it into CosmoScout VR, an open‐source visualization of our Solar System. In a first step, we use Mie Theory to precompute the scattering behaviour of a particle mixture. Then, multi‐scattering is simulated, and finally the precomputation results are used for real‐time rendering. We demonstrate that this not only improves the visualization of the Martian atmosphere, but also creates more realistic results for our own atmosphere.
Dünn in der Fläche? Regionale Disparitäten in der Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung in Deutschland
Hintergrund: Ambulante und vollstationäre Angebote der Hospizarbeit und Palliativversorgung wurden in Deutschland in den letzten Jahrzehnten deutlich ausgebaut und werden immer häufiger durch teilstationäre Angebote ergänzt. Die Verfügbarkeit dieser Angebote ist regional jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. Inwiefern dem Angebot dieser Versorgungsstrukturen ein regionaler Bedarf aufgrund der örtlichen Bevölkerungsstrukturen gegenübersteht, ist bislang unbekannt.
Methode: In vier Poisson-Regressionsmodellen wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Bevölkerungsindikatoren aus den Bereichen Demografie, Erwerb, Einkommen, Bildung und Gesundheit und der Anzahl an Angeboten der ambulanten und vollstationären Hospizarbeit und Palliativversorgung explorativ untersucht. Die auf Kreisebene kumulierten Daten stammen aus der INKAR Datenbank des Bundesinstituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung zu Lebensbedingungen in Deutschland sowie vom Wegweiser der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin. Mittels logistischer Regression sollen außerdem Faktoren für die Gründung teilstationärer Versorgungsangebote identifiziert werden.
Ergebnisse: In die Analyse gingen 401 Kreise und kreisfreie Städte in Deutschland ein. Einwohnerzahl, Siedlungsdichte und Durchschnittsalter der Bevölkerung sind die stärksten Prädiktoren für die Anzahl an Versorgungsangeboten. In Ballungsgebieten sind sowohl ambulante Angebote der Palliativversorgung als auch Palliativstationen tendenziell häufiger verfügbar, während die Anzahl ambulanter Hospizdienste und vollstationärer Hospize unabhängig von der Siedlungsdichte in den Kreisen mit höherer Einwohnerzahl zunimmt. Weder für die Bevölkerungsindikatoren noch für die bereits vorhandenen Versorgungsstrukturen konnte im Regressionsmodell ein signifikanter Einfluss auf die Entstehung teilstationärer Versorgungseinrichtungen nachgewiesen werden.
Diskussion: Die geografisch ungleiche Verteilung von hospizlich-palliativen Versorgungsangeboten in Kreisen und kreisfreien Städten in Deutschland ist nur teilweise durch die regionale Bevölkerungsstruktur erklärbar. Trotz einer Zunahme von Angeboten der Hospizarbeit und Palliativversorgung stehen in bevölkerungsarmen Regionen mit tendenziell älteren Einwohner*innen weniger Strukturen der hospizlich-palliativen Gesundheitsversorgung zur Verfügung.
Schlussfolgerung: Zukünftige Versorgungsplanung sollte neben der Einwohnerzahl weitere Bevölkerungsmerkmale stärker berücksichtigen, um die Versorgung in Regionen mit höheren Versorgungsbedarfen, z. B. aufgrund einer durchschnittlich älteren Bevölkerung, zu verbessern. Nachfolgende Studien sollten untersuchen, welche Bevölkerungsmerkmale den tatsächlichen Versorgungsbedarf am besten abbilden können.
Background: Despite penicillin having a longstanding reputation as being scientifically approved for the treatment of bovine mastitis, its market share and practical application rate seem rather low. While in some countries, cases of mild and moderate mastitis are treated almost completely with simple penicillin, in other countries, penicillin is rarely used as a mono-substance in udder tubes.
Methods: Based on minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) studies of 1489 isolates of Gram-positive microorganisms isolated from bovine mastitis cases, the extent to which penicillin preparations can fulfil their role as first-line treatment and in how many cases insufficient efficacy must be assumed was assessed in comparison with more recent studies on the achievable levels of active substances in milk.
Results: Of the isolates, 76% had an MIC of ≤0.125 µg/mL and 95% of the isolates had an MIC of ≤1 µg/mL.
Conclusions: The data show that in Northern Germany, it can be assumed that penicillin is a good choice in most cases of mastitis caused by Gram-positive mastitis pathogens, at least from the perspective of antibiotic resistance.
Eine einheitliche und durchgängige Kommunikation auf Basis von Ethernet bietet zahlreiche Vorteile für Anlagenbetreiber, besonders in der Prozessindustrie. Ethernet-APL überbrückt die letzte Meile zum Feldgerät und ermöglicht so ein konvergentes Netzwerk bis in die MES-Ebene. Die Anforderungen an ein solches Kommunikationssystem wurden schon früh von der NAMUR in der NAMUR Empfehlung NE 168 definiert. Verschiedene Echtzeitprotokolle wie PROFINET, EtherNet/IP sowie das Middleware-Protokoll OPC UA können so auch bis zum Sensor/Aktor durchgängig kommunizieren. Beim Einsatz von Ethernet-APL werden auf dem Weg vom Controller zum Sensor die Informationen mit verschiedenen Datenraten kommuniziert. Herbei treten verschiedene Fragestellungen auf, die der folgende Beitrag beantworten soll:
- Welche Performance-Probleme entstehen beim Übergang von 100 Mbit/s oder 1 Gbit/s auf dem Industrial Ethernet zu den 10 Mbit/s bei Ethernet-APL?
- Wie verhalten sich große Ethernet-APL Netzwerke bei hoher Last?
- Welche Empfehlungen können für die Planung von Ethernet-APL-Netzwerken abgeleitet werden?
Automated question generation holds great promise in many fields, such as education, to reduce the workload and automate an otherwise tedious task. However, major challenges remain regarding the quality of generated questions. To identify and address these challenges generated questions are evaluated either automatically or manually. While several automated metrics, mostly based on the comparison with a gold standard, exist, their usefulness is limited and human evaluation is often used for more accurate assessment. Our research generates questions using several models and methods, including fine-tuning, zero-shot and few-shot. We compare model performance by classifying the generated questions using a multi-label approach. This approach evaluates by sorting generated questions into zero or more binary problem classes and attempting to identify different problems with the generated questions. Our results show that different models tend to generate questions that fit into different problem classes. Additionally, the problem classification evaluation is capable of recognizing these differences and weighing the classes for the models accordingly, creating model-specific distribution characteristics.
Generative AI is not Magic
Although the capabilities of large language models are astonishing and exceed the expectations most researchers had about the potential of language modeling, these models are not complete black boxes, and the principles of how these systems work are not too difficult to understand. We show what theories, methods and skills can contribute to a basic understanding of large language models and how these can fit into a curriculum for students with and without a strong background in mathematics and computer science.
Although machine learning (ML) for intrusion detection is attracting research, its deployment in practice has proven difficult. Major hindrances are that training a classifier requires training data with attack samples, and that trained models are bound to a specific network.
To overcome these problems, we propose two new methods for anomaly-based intrusion detection. Both are trained on normal-only data, making deployment much easier. The first approach is based on One-class SVMs, while the second leverages our novel Cellwise Estimator algorithm, which is based on multidimensional OLAP cubes. The latter has the additional benefit of explainable output, in contrast to many ML methods like neural networks. The created models capture the normal behavior of a network and are used to find anomalies that point to attacks. We present a thorough evaluation using benchmark data and a comparison to related approaches showing that our approach is competitive.
International business management students are trained to become future international business managers, necessitating a thorough education including current and relevant information to be able to live up to their professional responsibilities. This study evaluates the quality of international business management textbooks in imparting knowledge about strategic alliances, a critical aspect of international business management. Nineteen textbooks were examined using a two-step approach: first, a theoretical framework was established based on academic papers and specialized literature; second, the relevant sections of the textbooks were identified and coded into a self-developed deductive-inductive category system. Through evaluative qualitative content analysis, a framework was developed to assess the alignment of textbook content with current, correct, and relevant information on strategic alliances. The findings reveal that while international business management textbooks generally provide information slightly below medium alignment with the current state of research, they exhibit variability in quality across different categories. Furthermore, some textbooks excel, while others perform poorly, indicating disparity in content quality. This study underscores the importance of ensuring that educational materials adequately prepare future international business managers with up-to-date and accurate information on strategic alliances, so they can make well-considered research-based decisions.