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The Influence of Milk Leakage, Udder Pressure and Further Risk Factors on the Development of New Intramammary Infections during the Dry Period of Dairy Cows

  • Prevention of new intramammary infection (NIMI) during the dry period (DP) is essential to prevent the development of mastitis in dairy cows. To investigate risk factors for NIMI, 212 cows, comprising a total of 848 udder quarters, were examined in this study. Quarter milk samples were taken on the day of drying off and 7 ± 3 days after calving. Cow- and quarter-level associated risk factors were assessed at the beginning of the DP and after calving. In total, 7.1% of the udder quarters developed an NIMI between the samplings. Non-aureus staphylococci (40.4%) and Gram-negative pathogens (22.8%) were most frequently the cause of NIMI. The observed milk leakage prevalence was 16.7%, with a peak 24 h after drying off. Simultaneously, the udder pressure peaked 24 h after drying off. A significant correlation between milk yield on the day before drying off and milk leakage could be proven. Cows with quarters leaking milk produced an average milk yield of 28.32 kg on the day before drying off. Generalised linear mixed models and odds ratios were calculated to determine the significant risk factors for NIMI during the DP and early lactation. Quarters leaking milk had 3.4 higher odds for NIMI between the samplings compared to quarters without milk leakage. Quarters from cows with dirty udders had 3.1 higher odds of developing an NIMI between the samplings compared to quarters from cows with clean udders. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of dry cow management before drying off and during the critical period of active involution of the udder tissue.

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Author:Pauline Katthöfer, Yanchao ZhangORCiD, Nicole WenteORCiDGND, Franziska PreineORCiDGND, Julia Nitz, Volker KrömkerORCiDGND
DOI original:https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens13050430
Parent Title (English):Pathogens
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2024
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Hannover
Release Date:2024/06/12
Tag:cattle; drying off; mastitis; milk leakage; risk factors; udder health; udder hygiene; udder pressure
GND Keyword:Milchkuh; Euterentzündung; Trockenstellen; Risikofaktor; Euter
Article Number:430
Page Number:20
Link to catalogue:1909467561
Institutes:Fakultät II - Maschinenbau und Bioverfahrenstechnik
DDC classes:630 Landwirtschaft, Veterinärmedizin
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International