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Figures in Scientific Open Access Publications

  • This paper summarizes the results of a comprehensive statistical analysis on a corpus of open access articles and contained figures. It gives an insight into quantitative relationships between illustrations or types of illustrations, caption lengths, subjects, publishers, author affiliations, article citations and others.

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Author:Lucia SohmenORCiD, Jean CharbonnierORCiD, Ina BlümelORCiDGND, Christian WartenaORCiDGND, Lambert HellerORCiDGND
Document Type:Preprint
Year of Completion:2018
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Hannover
Release Date:2018/09/27
Tag:Scientific Figures; Statistical Analysis
GND Keyword:Open Access; Illustration; Statistische Analyse
Preprint zum Konferenzpaper:

Sohmen L., Charbonnier J., Blümel I., Wartena C., Heller L. (2018) Figures in Scientific Open Access Publications. In: Méndez E., Crestani F., Ribeiro C., David G., Lopes J. (eds) Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge. TPDL 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11057. Springer, Cham

The final authenticated version is available online at 
Link to catalogue:1800653816
Institutes:Fakultät III - Medien, Information und Design
DDC classes:020 Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt