@inproceedings{KoschelHausotterBuschetal.2018, author = {Koschel, Arne and Hausotter, Andreas and Busch, Johannes and Zuch, Malte}, title = {A Generic Measurement Model for Service-based Systems}, booktitle = {SERVICE COMPUTATION 2018, The Tenth International Conference on Advanced Service Computing}, isbn = {978-1-61208-606-4}, issn = {2308-3549}, doi = {10.25968/opus-2588}, url = {http://thinkmind.org/index.php?view=article\&articleid=service_computation_2018_1_30_10017}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t IV - Wirtschaft und Informatik}, pages = {12 -- 18}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The transfer of historically grown monolithic software architectures into modern service-oriented architectures creates a lot of loose coupling points. This can lead to an unforeseen system behavior and can significantly impede those continuous modernization processes, since it is not clear where bottlenecks in a system arise. It is therefore necessary to monitor such modernization processes with an adaptive monitoring concept in order to be able to correctly record and interpret unpredictable system dynamics. For this purpose, a general measurement methodology and a specific implementation concept are presented in this work.}, subject = {Dienstg{\"u}te}, language = {en} }