@article{BernhardDohle2016, author = {Bernhard, Uli and Dohle, Marco}, title = {Constructive or repressive? Journalists' reactions to the presumed political influences of online media}, journal = {Studies in Communication and Media}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, issn = {2192-4007}, doi = {10.25968/opus-2561}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t III - Medien, Information und Design}, pages = {33 -- 51}, year = {2016}, abstract = {According to the third-person effect or the influence of presumed media influence approach, the presumption that the media has strong effects on other people can affect individuals' attitudes and behavior. For instance, if people believe in strong media influences on others, they are more likely to increase their communication activities or support demands for restrictions on media. A standardized online survey among German journalists (N = 960) revealed that the stronger the journalists perceive the political online influence on the public to be, the more frequently they contradict unwanted political views in their articles. Moreover, even journalists are more likely to approve of restrictions on the Internet's political influence, the stronger they believe the effects of online media to be. The data reveal no connections between communication activities and demands for restrictions.}, subject = {Beeinflussung}, language = {en} }