@article{BurdaBitnerBestehornetal.2022, author = {Burda, Artyom and Bitner, Dimitri and Bestehorn, Felix and Kirches, Christian and Grotjahn, Martin}, title = {Mixed-Integer Real-time Control of a Building Energy Supply System}, journal = {IEEE Control Systems Letters}, volume = {7}, issn = {2475-1456}, doi = {10.25968/opus-2472}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t II - Maschinenbau und Bioverfahrenstechnik}, pages = {907 -- 912}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We present a methodology based on mixed-integer nonlinear model predictive control for a real-time building energy management system in application to a single-family house with a combined heat and power (CHP) unit. The developed strategy successfully deals with the switching behavior of the system components as well as minimum admissible operating time constraints by use of a special switch-cost-aware rounding procedure. The quality of the presented solution is evaluated in comparison to the globally optimal dynamic programming method and conventional rule-based control strategy. Based on a real-world scenario, we show that our approach is more than real-time capable while maintaining high correspondence with the globally optimal solution. We achieve an average optimality gap of 2.5\% compared to 20\% for a conventional control approach, and are faster and more scalable than a dynamic programming approach.}, subject = {Energiemanagement}, language = {en} }