@article{LimayeZiesenisLimayeetal.2019, author = {Limaye, Dnyanesh and Ziesenis, Patrick and Limaye, Vaidehi and Ahmad, Mansoor and Saeed, Farah and Alam, Mahboob and Rizvi, Ramla and Kapadi, Atul and Sathe, Sushama and Fortwengel, Gerhard}, title = {Oral cancer awareness among university students from Karachi, Pakistan}, journal = {International Journal of Advances in Medicine}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, issn = {2349-3933}, doi = {10.25968/opus-1678}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t III - Medien, Information und Design}, pages = {40 -- 45}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background: Oral cancers (OC) are malignant lesions occurring in the oral cavity that include squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), salivary gland and odontogenic neoplasms. Even though it is the eighth most common malignancy globally but in Pakistan it is the second commonest type of cancer. Lack of awareness about ill-effects of preventable risk factors of oral cancer increases the burden of disease due to the associated high cost of treatment, permanent impairment and high mortality. Hence, awareness can be very helpful in prevention, control and early diagnosis of oral cancer. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among university students from Karachi, Pakistan during April to May 2018. Three hundred students were approached to participate in the study of which 277 agreed to participate. Pretested questionnaire was distributed and collected data was analysed using IBM SPSS version 23. Results: There were 125 (45\%) males and 152 (55\%) females in the study and response rate was 94\%. Sixty one percent (154/250) respondents correctly identified smoking, and tobacco chewing as possible causes of oral cancer. Almost one third (74\%; 184/250) respondents correctly responded that oral cancer does not spread from person to person through touch or speaking. Sixty six percent (164/250) respondents believed that oral cancer is curable. Mean score of knowledge was higher in females (61\%) than males (53\%). Significantly higher number of females compared to male participants answered correctly to questions regarding cause of oral cancer, spread of disease and occurrence of oral cancer in AIDS patients. Conclusions: Participants showed poor knowledge about oral cancer. Female participants showed better knowledge compared to male counterparts. Details about oral cancer should be incorporated in the university curriculum and periodic awareness programs should be organized for students.}, subject = {Mundh{\"o}hlenkrebs}, language = {en} }