@article{SahanStaubachKaczmareketal.2024, author = {Sahan, Benjamin and Staubach, Christian and Kaczmarek, Kevin and Reddig, Stefan and Domes, Konrad and Berkemeier, Philipp and Sch{\"o}nlebe, Felix}, title = {Modular dv/dt Pulse Generator Testbench for Insulation Endurance Assessment}, journal = {Bodo's Power Systems}, issn = {1863-5598}, doi = {10.25968/opus-3119}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t I - Elektro- und Informationstechnik}, pages = {5}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The collaborative effort between SAXOGY® and Hannover University of Applied Sciences has resulted in the development of an advanced modular dv/dt pulse generator. This innovative testbench represents a significant leap forward in accelerated insulation endurance testing. It offers a valuable tool for validating existing and developing new insulation systems, thereby contributing to the enhancement of future power electronic systems.}, subject = {Pulsgenerator}, language = {en} }