@unpublished{Adam2024, author = {Adam, Patricia A.}, title = {Integrated Risk and Opportunity Management - Implementing clause 6.1}, issn = {2626-4889}, doi = {10.25968/opus-3083}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t IV - Wirtschaft und Informatik}, series = {Management}, number = {12}, pages = {14}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Integrated Risk and Opportunity Management (IROM) goes far beyond what is found in organizations today. However, it offers the best opportunity not only to keep pace with the VUCA world, but to actually profit from it. Accordingly, the introduction of opportunity-based thinking in addition to risk-based thinking is part of the design specification for ISO 9000 and ISO 9001. The prerequisite for the successful design of an IROM is the individual definition, control and integration of risk and opportunity management processes, considering eight success factors, the "8 C". Top management benefits directly from the result: better, coordinated decision memos enable faster and more appropriate decisions.}, subject = {Risikomanagement}, language = {en} }