@article{NiemannWalzMerklinetal.2023, author = {Karl-Heinz Niemann and Andreas Walz and Simon Merklin and Dominik Ziegler and Boris Waldeck}, title = {How to develop a secure PROFINET device : Organizational and technical OT security measures during the development of PROFINET devices}, series = {atp Magazin}, journal = {Wie man ein sicheres PROFINET-Ger{\"a}t entwickelt : Organisatorische und technische OT-Security-Ma{\"s}nahmen bei der Entwicklung von PROFINET-Ger{\"a}ten}, number = {9}, issn = {2364-3137}, doi = {10.25968/opus-3036}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:960-opus4-30364}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The PROFINET protocol has been extended in the current version to include security functions. This allows flexible network architectures with the consideration of OT security requirements to be designed for PROFINET, which were not possible due to the network segmentation previously required. In addition to the manufacturers of the protocol stacks, component manufacturers are also required to provide a secure implementation in their devices. The necessary measures go beyond the use of a secure protocol stack. Using the example of an Ethernet-APL transmitter with PROFINET communication, this article shows which technical and organizational conditions will have to be considered by PROFINET device manufacturers in the future.}, language = {en} }