@inproceedings{KuzminykhRohdeGottschewskiMeyeretal.2023, author = {Alexander Kuzminykh and Jerome Rohde and Phillip Oliver Gottschewski-Meyer and Volker Ahlers}, title = {Stereo vision and LiDAR based point cloud acquisition for creating digital twins in indoor applications}, series = {2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {979-8-3503-5805-6}, issn = {2770-4254}, doi = {10.25968/opus-3025}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:960-opus4-30250}, pages = {947 -- 952}, year = {2023}, abstract = {We present an approach towards a data acquisition system for digital twins that uses a 5G net- work for data transmission and localization. The current hardware setup, which utilizes stereo vision and LiDAR for 3D mapping, is explained together with two recorded point cloud data sets. Furthermore, a resulting digital twin comprised of voxelized point cloud data is shown. Ideas for future applications and challenges regarding the system are discussed and an outlook on further development is given.}, language = {en} }